The rebranding, however, does not affect the structure as the Lega Pro 1 will still consist of two groups of 18 teams, and the Lega Pro 2 will be unchanged with three groups of 18 teams.
The clubs are divided into each group mainly according to geographical principles.
The fixtures for the new season will be published on Tuesday at 1030 UK time (+1hr for Italy/CET) in Rome, with the campaign kicking off on August 30.
Lega Pro - Divisione 1
Girone A: Cesena, Cremonese, Lecco, Legnano, Lumezzane, Monza, Novara, Padova, Pergocrema, Portogruaro S, Pro Patria, Pro Sesto, Ravenna, Reggiana, Sambenedettese, Spal, Venezia, Verona.
Girone B: Arezzo, Benevento, Cavese, Crotone, Foggia, Foligno, Gallipoli, Juve Stabia, Paganese, Perugia, Pescara, Pistoiese, Potenza, Real Marcianise, Sorrento, Taranto, Ternana, Virtus Lanciano.
> Two teams are promoted from each group to Serie B at the end of the season. The champions go up automatically, while the four teams below them (2nd to 5th) will take part in the play-off tournament for the final spot.
> Three teams are relegated from each group to Lega Pro 2 at the end of the season. The bottom team go down automatically, while the four clubs above them (14th to 17th) will take part in the relegation play-outs for the remaining two relegation spots.
Lega Pro – Divisione 2
Girone A: Alessandria, Alghero, Canavese, Carpenedolo, Como, Itala San Marco, Ivrea, Mezzocorona, Montichiari, Olbia, Pavia, Pizzighettone, Pro Vercelli, Rodengo Saiano, Sambonifacese, Sudtirol, Valenzana, Varese.
Girone B: Bassano Virtus, Bellaria Igea M, Carrarese, Celano O, Cisco Roma, Colligiana, Cuoiopelli CR, Figline, Giacomense, Giulianova, Gubbio, Poggibonsi, Prato, Rovigo, San Marino, Sangiovannese, Sangiustese, Viareggio.
Girone C: Andria Bat, Aversa Normanna, Barletta, Cassino, Catanzaro, Cosenza, Gela, Igea Virtus B, Isola Liri, Manfredonia, Melfi, Monopoli, Noicattaro, Pescina VG, Scafatese, Val Di Sangro, Vibonese, Vigor Lamezia.
> Two teams are promoted from each group to Lega Pro 1 at the end of the season. The champions go up automatically, while the four teams below them (2nd to 5th) will take part in the play-off tournament for the final spot.
> Three teams are relegated from each group to Serie D at the end of the season. The bottom team go down automatically, while the four clubs above them (14th to 17th) will take part in the relegation play-outs for the remaining two relegation spots.
Source: Lega Pro
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